Bloodwise Childhood Leukemia Cell Bank (CLCB) has been awarded UK Biobank of the year 2017. The award was presented at UK Biobanking Showcase on 18th October, 2017 in London. Northern Ireland Biobank were awarded runner up.
Research Support
The award is designed to highlight the work of Biobanks who go above and beyond in supporting research. This year, Biobanks were asked to nominate themselves for the award by submitting two research case studies that detail how their work has enabled high quality research. The panel selecting the winner, drawn from the UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre (TDCC) Steering Committee, noted: ‘the very targeted use of the collection and was particularly impressed with the role of the biobank in coordinating samples to facilitate international research into rare diseases.’

Anne Thomson receives the award from Centre Director, Phil Quinlan
Anne Thomson attended the event on behalf of CLCB, who said: ‘We are absolutely delighted to receive the Biobank of the Year Award 2017 from the UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre. It is fantastic to receive this recognition for the achievements of the Bloodwise Childhood Leukaemia Cell Bank. It is the realisation of a vision by Bloodwise that founding a national collection of samples from children and young people with leukaemia would enable samples to be available for ground-breaking research and this has already altered the way children with leukaemia are treated. We would like to thank the children and their families for donating their samples, the clinical teams for co-ordinating sample collection and Bloodwise for their continued support.’
Dr Richard Palmer, Patient representative on the CLCB Steering Committee said ‘This is a recognition of the commitment, teamwork across different areas of expertise, professionalism, and all round good will of all involved. A credit to how things should be done for the best interests of present and future patients.’
A Prestigious Achievement

From Left: Clare Lewis, Anne Thomson, Phil Quinlan and Kevin Adams
The UKCRC TDCC launched the award in 2016 as a way of recognising the work of Biobanks. Now in it’s second year, the award has attracted significant interest following a successful year for the 2016 winners. Ethical Tissue, a Biobank based in Bradford, won the inaugural award last year. Kevin Adams attended the UK Biobanking Showcase on behalf of Ethical Tissue and presented the 10 ways it had had an impact on them. The list included increased support both internally and externally and a bursary to attend a Biobanking conference in San Francisco. Both Kevin Adams and UKCRC TDCC Director Phil Quinlan presented CLCB with this year’s award. It is hoped that the award will have an equally beneficial effect on CLCB in the coming year.
For more information on the award, event or how you get get involved in the future please contact us.