
data minutes

Putting Patients First

Putting Patients First UKCRC TDCC attended Patients First on 28th November, 2016 – an event co-hosted by ABPI and AMRC. Here we outline the day’s events and what we can learn from the topics discussed. The event was opened by Aisling Burnand, AMRC, with an inspiring quote by Mary Mead, ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing… Read More »Putting Patients First

Proposed changes to data security and consent in the healthcare system

Proposed changes to data security and consent in the healthcare system In September 2015, the Secretary of State for Health commissioned an intensive review of how personal data is used within the healthcare system. This called for recommendations to be made on improving data security and developing a new, clear opt-out and consent model for how a patient’s data can be used. In June the results of this review were… Read More »Proposed changes to data security and consent in the healthcare system